2017 YuejinLanternFestival
2017 月津港燈節『四季禮讚』
本文摘自2017 月津港燈節『四季禮讚』官網。
Symphony of The Seasons
Climate has played a main role in shaping the looks of a society. It influences our agriculture, farming, and all other things that humankind needs to meet its basic needs. As for Tainan, in this highly-developed era, the impact of our climate has exceeded these needs for most people and is now also visible in different forms of artworks. Seasons strongly influence cultural developments. Artists immersed in gloomy weather are more likely to create cold-toned works while those from tropical areas tend to use vibrant colors. Urban Art Studio divides the entire exhibition area into a few zones. Each zone features different works presenting the beauty of four seasons. The beauty depicted by our artists will make you wish the exhibition would never end.
全新3D AR 導覽 讓你輕鬆能掌握月津港的作品與活動。 燈節每年都有,但今年月津港燈節邀請大家來參加這場雲端花火盛宴。 「月津港燈節」APP除了有燈節展品與周邊景點介紹,還能讓你在虛擬展場和其他參觀者一起互動。為你的角色選擇喜愛的表情,一起加入這場虛擬燈會!只要移動到展品附近,就可以讓所有參觀者在地圖上看到美麗的煙火。聚集的人越多,煙火就會更燦爛!

Lantern and night view

美國作家Henry Miller說過:「旅人的目的地不是一個地點,而是看待事物的新方式」。