Santa & Cole M68 Suspension Lamp
品牌:Santa & Cole 品牌國家:Spain西班牙 設計師:Miguel Mila
出自西班牙設計大師 Miguel Milá 1968 年的作品,大面積的亮銀光澤,細膩的鐘式收邊造型,讓 M68有著流線的外觀,真切映射出周遭環境的空間對話。出自1968年的復古、經典風格,保有對於設計的純粹和工藝堅持,喜愛經典作品的您絕對不可錯過。
Hanging lamp based on the feminine shape. M68 is an aluminium re-edition of the famous methacrylate pop lamp from the 1960s – By Miguel Milá – and it is now available in lively red or matte white, as well as in polished aluminium.
品牌:SEED喜的 品牌國家:Taiwan台灣 設計師:陳昭成
DOME fuses simplistic ideologies with precision craftsmanship. Balanced with a clean classic silhouette, DOME features a dramatic oversized lampshade in a very no nonsense approach.
Plumen Drop Top Lamp
品牌:Hulger 品牌國家:United Kingdom英國 設計師:Samuel Wilkinson
歐洲最流行的金銅色吊燈之一Drop Cap,金銅色的燈罩及特殊的燈泡設計,營造最獨特的空間美學。
The Drop Top Lamp Shade is a mouth-blown tinted glass shade that softens the brightness from side views, whilst allowing the unique Plumen bulb form to be seen and enjoyed. Surfaces beneath are still illuminated fully, making this a beautiful, yet practical shade for countless applications.
Deer Head Wall Lamp
品牌:Pop Up 品牌國家:Israel以色列 設計師:Chen Bikovski
The Deer Head Popup Lighting is an elegant decorative wall LED light fixture inspired by pop-up books. The light’s magical effect completes the icon, adding instant ambiance to any space.
Collar Armchair
品牌:Sancal 品牌國家:Spain 設計師:Skrivo
Designed by Skrivo, the inspiration for the initial concept was stimulated by the way a collar folds. This creates a more comfortable chair as well as adding a distinct visual detail. Collar combines technology and handcraft. The injectionmoulded interior followed intense modelling.
Showtime Chair
品牌:BD Barcelona 品牌國家:Spain 設計師:Jaime Hayon
設計鬼才 Jaime Hayon,被喻為 Philippe Starck 接班人的他讓全球再次感受西班牙傢俱充滿活力的設計魅力!! 從傢具、瓷磚、瓷器、室內設計、玩具到藝術性擺設,都能以他的幽默玩心與創意力,將藝術和設計互相融合出大膽而獨特的個人風格。
Seat and backrest made of plywood with exterior sides in varnished oak or walnut, or in DM lacquered in several colors. Metallic buttons in the same colour of the structure. Optional armrests in iron sheet, painted with textured finish or upholstered in different fabrics.
Elephant Chair
品牌:Kristalia 品牌國家:Italy 設計師:Neuland Industriedesign & Kristalia
Elephant 輕薄的椅殼採用堅固質輕的聚氨酯塑料以注模成型,兩側輕薄流線的扶手,細膩的線條變化是製作過程中最大的難題,一體成型的椅座提供舒適的包覆性,不同椅腳的搭配則可依需求選擇,另外也可加購活動式座墊。除了原有的塑料椅座外,也增加了包覆皮革版本,更多的材質選擇與更好的舒適度,提供絕佳的乘坐感!
Design chair that combines strength and beauty with practicality and reliability; Elephant, pushes the boundaries of innovation and sets new standards for design and usability. The outer shell of the chair is, as its name would suggest, inspired by the powerful but smooth back of an elephant.
Poltrona Frau Du30 chair
Designer︰Gastone Rinaldi
Name︰DU30 Chair
Flos Frisbi Lamp
品牌:Flos 品牌國家:Italy義大利 設計師:Achille Castiglioni
設計大師 Achille Castiglioni 的代表作品。設計的巧思是當光線從燈罩中流洩而下,下方的霧白遮罩將光線散射,提供充足光源,卻不刺眼炫目,中間還有一個洞提供直接光源,強弱並濟,明暈交雜,給人溫暖舒服的感覺,在造型上和照明實用上都有多層次的感受。Its name invokes the iconic toy best played in a park, but this light is seriously smart. Offering three types of illumination—diffused, direct, and reflected—the FRISBI doubles down designed Achille Castiglioni.
BCN Slide Base
品牌:Kristalia 品牌國家:Italy 設計師:Harry&Camila
唯美而流暢的椅座弧線提供符合人體工學的絕佳舒適感,採用絕緣的 PBT 科技塑料,驚人的材質韌性在乘坐時,不僅保有椅座的支撐力,同時提供微幅的緩衝彈性。The BCN main feature of the stool is the design of the seat. The seat was ergonomically designed by specialists to maximize comfort. The final shape required a huge developmental effort during the design phase. The metal structure of the stool has been crafted from steel originating from the Umbrian town of Todi.